Hi, to those of you who found their way here. It has been some time since I have posted anything.

However that is why exactly I am posting now, see the name of the blog is “The struggling walk” and many of my post have been my struggle to walk with God.

I have posted in my lowest moments, those times where hope is a silly idea. Where faith has left and in its place loneliness resides.

As time passes I began to heal wounds I fear could not. Though some leave scars and remind you of the pain it now comes as a thought a memory. You never come out the same of season of hurt and struggle you learn something. For me it was finding God, seen my mistakes and dealing with forgiveness, resentment and a broken heart.

I walked with God as I embarked on this journey. I saw first hand things I can’t really understand. I experienced changes in me in my heart in my whole being in my soul. I often say Lord mold me into the man you want me to be but I change that to Lord let me follow in your righteousness the best I can. To be a good man, after your heart. Guide me when I am of course, pick me up when I am falling , hold me when I have no strength.

With time friend’s, I now manage to look back to a spot I thought I would never get out of. It’s not perfect and times things are difficult and the weight of it comes and pain is present. But I have the wisdom now that despite that I am here now. Things are not as before and I smile I laugh I am happy.

With all these changes some times I forget how I got to be here now. So I want to take this time for my self and for those who read to remind that it was God and I don’t want to go back to a life where he was not there but now though at times things get good not to forget and be thankful and give praise to God.

I hope you are reminded too have good day.

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